Monday, September 13, 2010

Brent Everett Bloguer

Third International Congress of Architecture: NATURAL. ITESM CQ + Arquine

"If the nineteenth century was the century of industrialization and the twentieth century the century of communication, this century can only try to restore the environmental damage created over the previous two "-Alex Krieger

The third International Congress NATURAL Architecture opens a space for rethinking the relationship between architecture and nature, a relationship that although there has always been the uncontrollable growth of our contemporary cities require us to reconsider the basics. Since timely intervention architectural-natural environments, the artificial insertion of nature to comfort the urban environment, "Natural" will invite reflection and critical thinking and practice of architecture.

This is the list of confirmed guests:

-Paulo David (Funchal)
-Morphosis (Los Angeles)
-Zebra (Aarhus)
-Emerging Landscapes (Medellín)
-Javier Sanchez (Mex DF)-Lola
Landscape (Rotterdam)
-Schweingruber Zulauf (Zurich)
-Ecosistema Urbano (Madrid)
-at103 (Mex DF)
-Juan Román (Talca)


ITESM CQ: 1 to September 22 .= $ 700.00
GENERAL: 1 to September 22

.= $ 900.00 DATE: 23 and 24 September. 2010.

+ info in congresoarq.qro @; / congresoarq.qro


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